5 Tips to Improve Health and Safety at Your Next Exhibition

Fashion events and modern art displays are no stranger to controversy or danger. But you can improve health and safety at exhibitions with the following simple tips.

Pay Attention to Sharp Edges

The uniqueness and design of a garment, sculpture, or modern artwork often means there are sharp edges. Often owing to the materials used. While this cannot be avoided by means of artistic design. You can pay attention to sharp edges elsewhere. For example, hanging racks might be jagged. Or room dividers made of metal may need smoothing, or else someone cuts themselves. Fortunately, all you need is some specialist deburring tools for smoothing off the jagged edges of metallic items. Or you might end up facing legal action over health and safety.

Don’t Overfill the Venue’s Capacity

All over the world, there have been incidents of tragedies because a venue was filled past its safest capacity. While you want to fill your events and sell as many tickets as possible to maximize profit. Selling more than a venue can handle will [potentially cause a disaster, and you will face criminal prosecution if someone gets hurt. Further, as if that wouldn’t be bad enough, your reputation as an events handler or coordinator will be ruined, and you will find it hard to get work in your beloved fashion or art industry. Consult with the venue’s owner about safe capacity.

Improve Health and Safety with Security Staff

It doesn’t matter what your event is. You need security staff. And given that your event will likely feature high-end art and fashion pieces, thieves could target them. The stolen art industry is currently worth over $50 billion per year. So it’s safe to say that your events need protection. Private security companies are easily found. But for the best possible service, it might be best if you sourced security firms with experience in guarding valuable items. Additionally, your security team needs to handle a scenario discreetly to not embarrass you or your exhibition.

Keep Fire Exits Clear of Obstructions

A common cause of tragedies when a disaster happens is obstructions to fire exits. Fire exits aren’t only there in the event of a fire, but for exiting the building, whatever happens. Floods, an active shooter, or an earthquake could happen anytime. And people need to be able to feel safe as quickly as possible. Even if safety isn’t solely your responsibility, ask your team or check yourself that no exits are blocked. The likelihood of a disaster might be slim, but the chance is still there. And having easily accessible exits will definitely save lives.

Source Venues with Minimal Steps

Fashion exhibitions are no stranger to models falling down the stairs. Naomi Campbell’s tumble during a Vivienne Westwood show in 1993 is legendary. Fortunately, the talented model was largely unhurt. But the same might not be true of anyone who happens to fall down the steps at one of your events. A fashion show may require a runway and a stage, so steps can be an unavoidable part of the show. But they aren’t really necessary for an artistic display. So it might be in your best interest to find venues with as few stairs as possible to avoid an incident.


It is your responsibility as a showrunner to improve health and safety. You can help yourself and others by staying within capacity, clearing fire exits, and hiring trained security personnel.
