Thinking of Buying Your First Home in 2022? Check Out These Tips

So, you’ve started to hit your savings goals and you’re doing well with your career and finances, is it time to start looking for a home and taking the next step in 2022? If you think it might be time for you to buy make sure you think about these considerations.

Look at the Area

First, thoroughly investigate the place you choose to relocate. Find out about the local facilities and transport. If you have children or want to have children, make sure the neighborhood has good schools.

Check the crime rate in your chosen location. Higher crime leads to higher house and auto insurance rates. Additional home security measures, such as locks and alarms, may be required.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, you can utilize the government’s planning portal to check for neighboring planning applications. If you’re considering an extension, finding out if comparable requests have been granted could be encouraging.

View A Lot Of Properties

It’s easy to fall in love with the first or second house you visit, but comparing a few others (both in terms of appearance and pricing) might help you. You may also want to look at a range of properties such as apartments, houses, and more. Ask your realtor to withdraw the property from the market once your offer is approved.

Keep Your Eye Out For

  • Mold on the walls, crumbling wallpaper, moisture on windows, musty odor
  • Ask to inspect the loft for rotting timber and cracks in the ceilings and walls.
  • Bad plumbing – ask to flush and turn on the taps.
  • Loose roof tiles and gutter issues – binoculars may be required.
  • Is the roof old?
  • Is it time for a rewire
  • Is the fuse box old?

Is it a combi boiler, and when was it last serviced? (Older ones may need to be replaced.)

  • Ask about their annual utility bills for gas, electricity, and water. How fast is the internet and how reliable is the service?
  • Is there good storage space?

Take Photographs Or Notes

As you tour each house, take photos (ask the estate agent first) and/or make notes to remind yourself of its features. It’s easy to forget details if you’re examining numerous properties at once. Reviewing the photographs and notes can help you make a better-informed selection.

Re-View the Property

You’ll have a few favorites if you’ve seen many properties. Re-view them before making a decision, especially at a different time of day.

Property issues may be simpler to see in the daytime. The evening may be the best time for your future neighbor to practice drums or for neighborhood pubs to empty their rowdy clientele past your prospective new property.

Examine the Parking and Communal Areas

If you drive, find out about parking. If there is no garage or driveway, will there be a parking spot on the street? Do you need a parking permit? Can guests and tradespeople park?

Don’t forget to look at any community areas and ask how much the annual ground rent is, and what’s included. Get this in writing before buying.

This guide should help you if you are looking for a new house in 2022. Do you have any other tips that could help? Please share some of them in the comments below.
